"WHY THE F**K WAS I ARRESTED?" AKA, 5 ways that will help you to not utter these words after a night of "milk and cookies".
If you are anywhere between the ages of 18-25 (prime lit stage, aka college years), I'm more than sure that 99% of you have gotten blackout drunk, and woken up the next morning like "what that actual hell did I do last night???" Well, hopefully, you didn't end up in the drunk tank and have to walk yourself an infinite amount of miles back to civilisation. In an effort to keep this from happening, here are some pointers to keep you from going to jail. 1. DON'T DRIVE DRUNK, YOU IDIOT Yeah, just don't do it. It's a bad move, and you'll end up in the back of a cop car quicker than you can say "but I hafent much that drank, officer!" In all seriousness, though, don't do it. I don't care if you've only had one beer or twenty. That one beer/drink is just enough to trip a breathalyser if you get tested within a half-hour of that last sip. That one beer is enough to get you thrown in jail for an OVI if you get into a fender-bender on th...