Hello! How are you? Great? Good! You may be wondering what this blog is all about. I only recently set up this blog, and have written a grand total of one whole article! Woah! I had hoped to crank out approximately 1 or two a week, but life always has a way of getting in between what I want to happen, and what actually does. Hence, the purpose of this "update/what do I plan to do here" post. So, onward. So, what exactly am I going to be posting? Well for starters, I plan for the blog to be a resource that anyone can use to educate themselves, and hopefully others, about the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse/dependency. If you read my first post on here, you will notice that it was written in a witty and comical voice, while also hopefully providing useful and actionable information. Sadly, while I do enjoy writing in that style, not everything can be viewed/written about while looking through rose-tinted lenses. Some topics are too serious to ma...