
What is this blog about?

     Hello! How are you? Great? Good! You may be wondering what this blog is all about. I only recently set up this blog, and have written a grand total of one whole article! Woah! I had hoped to crank out approximately 1 or two a week, but life always has a way of getting in between what I want to happen, and what actually does. Hence, the purpose of this "update/what do I plan to do here" post. So, onward.      So, what exactly am I going to be posting? Well for starters, I plan for the blog to be a resource that anyone can use to educate themselves, and hopefully others, about the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse/dependency. If you read my first post on here, you will notice that it was written in a witty and comical voice, while also hopefully providing useful and actionable information. Sadly, while I do enjoy writing in that style, not everything can be viewed/written about while looking through rose-tinted lenses. Some topics are too serious to ma...

"WHY THE F**K WAS I ARRESTED?" AKA, 5 ways that will help you to not utter these words after a night of "milk and cookies".

If you are anywhere between the ages of 18-25 (prime lit stage, aka college years), I'm more than sure that 99% of you have gotten blackout drunk, and woken up the next morning like "what that actual hell did I do last night???" Well, hopefully, you didn't end up in the drunk tank and have to walk yourself an infinite amount of miles back to civilisation. In an effort to keep this from happening, here are some pointers to keep you from going to jail. 1. DON'T DRIVE DRUNK, YOU IDIOT Yeah, just don't do it. It's a bad move, and you'll end up in the back of a cop car quicker than you can say "but I hafent much that drank, officer!" In all seriousness, though, don't do it. I don't care if you've only had one beer or twenty. That one beer/drink is just enough to trip a breathalyser if you get tested within a half-hour of that last sip. That one beer is enough to get you thrown in jail for an OVI if you get into a fender-bender on th...

Services and Classes

Drivers Intervention Program (DIP) Our Drivers Intervention Program is offered as an alternative to Ohio's 3 day mandatory minimum jail time sentence after an OVI. In other states, this class in mandatory. Our program is a 72-hour residential program that meets the requirements for multiple states, including; Ohio, West Virginia, Vermont, Florida, Missouri, Alaska, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. We are offering this program at the Red Roof Inn in Jackson, Ohio . The program fee is $400.00 and is payable on the first day of class. Please call (740) 592-4797 to schedule. We are currently registering clients for classes on the following dates: February 2-5, 2017 March 2-5, 2017 April 6-9, 2017 May 4-7, 2017 June 1-4, 2017 July 6-9, 2017 August 3-6, 2017 August 31-September 3, 2017 October 5-8, 2017 November 2-5, 2017 December 7-10, 2017 Court Alcohol Substance Education Program (CASEP) CASEP is a 3-hour alcohol education program, specifically developed to ...

Hello world!

Hello, and welcome to the Flores and Associates blogger! Here, you will be seeing articles written by staff, and content related to our services, including but not limited to our Drivers intervention Program and our CASEP classes. Thanks for stopping by, and we hope to see you back! -Brady R